The world's most compact calendar?

This calendar packs all 12 months of one year into a super-compact format.
1973  Apr
18152229 MinSenSelRabKamJumSab
29162330 SenSelRabKamJumSabMin
310172431 SelRabKamJumSabMinSen
4111825 RabKamJumSabMinSenSel
5121926 KamJumSabMinSenSelRab
6132027 JumSabMinSenSelRabKam
7142128 SabMinSenSelRabKamJum
  • Januari, Maret, Mei, Juli, Agustus, Oktober dan Desember selalu memiliki 31 hari.
  • April, Juni, September dan November selalu memiliki 30 hari.
  • Februari memiliki 28 hari pada tahun normal, dan 29 hari pada tahun kabisat.
  • Tahun 1973 bukan tahun kabisat.

Kalender untuk tahun lainnya

1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

Examples of how to use the compact calendar

  • Which day of the week will your birthday be on?
    Find the month at the top, and the day number on the left side. The day of the week is indicated where the day number row crosses the month column.
  • How many Sundays are there in May this year?
    Find the Sunday below the May header, and then count the numbers on the left side of the row.
  • When will daylight saving time start in the United States this year?
    Daylight saving time in the United States starts on the second Sunday of March, so if you find Sunday in the March column, you will find the date in the second number column.

Pintasan keyboard

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escBuka kalender untuk 2025

Tips bermanfaat

  • Place the mouse pointer on a day name to highlight rows and columns.
  • Press the year number to change year (left side for previous year, right side for next).

The origin of this calendar is unknown. It is also referred to as a "one-page calendar". It was popularized in an article by Ethan Siegel, and adapted to web by Even Scharning of

Too compact for you? Try our full-format calendar for 2025!

The world's most compact calendar?
Senin, 10 Maret 2025, minggu 11
Kota New York pindah ke waktu musim panas pada pukul 02:00 pada tanggal Minggu, 9 Maret. Waktu telah diatur satu jam lebih maju.
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